Ecommerce with Artificial Intelligence

The technology has an impact on the life we lead. From growing crops to food processing and from how we communicate to how we do business, AI has some kind of contribution in all aspects of our life.

Global businesses are rapidly adopting AI to streamline and fortify their processes. Have you ever realized that most of the popular ecommerce portals have deployed AI to handle customer interactions.

Chasing this trend allows them to save millions of dollars and thousands of hours of precious time of their agents. The ubisend report says that 40% of visitors on an ecommerce site use AI chatbot to find offers and deals. The same report also mentions that 1 in 5 customers is willing to buy from a chatbot.

A Business Insider articles predicts that as much as 85% of customer interactions will be without a human by 2020. Introducing AI also enables them to identify fake reviews posted by sellers. In the language of Marketing Warfare, it is called a high level of customer care.

Products recommended to customers while browsing through the site is chosen by the AI mechanism. Customers are more likely to buy recommended items related to what they have already seen or searched for on an ecommerce portal.

Use of AI enabled applications is allowing ecommerce businesses to increase theirsales while keeping their procedures simple yet more accurate. The efficacy of your website CRM can be enhanced manifold by integrating AI. However some webmasters will need to update their backend to advanced product options.

Potential customers

Businesses are overloaded and confused with the bulk of data they have gathered through various sources. This also includes the data of their past consumers. AI can help businesses to find potential customers based on their interests and browsing history.

Remember seeing a product on Amazon on your mobile or desktop and then seeing that product on your Chrome browser, Facebook and Instagram. Smart ads backed by AI show you the same product for certain period or until you choose to close them.

Inventory management

Ecommerce businesses are all about inventories. For an ecommerce business, it is a challenge to keep track of everything available in the company. From a piece of stationery to computer and the stock available everything should be kept up-to-date. AI enabled CRM can help your staff manage inventories effortlessly and accurately without having to involve in it manually.

AI applications can predict future demand of certain items based on their present demand and outflow. In short, an inventory managed by AI knows what it needs by itself. None of your staff member has to count and match each item to keep the inventory updated.

Al has been going in this direction so far. Further customer-friendly developments are needed so an even better customer experience can be offered. These are some common yet severe mistakes that ecommerce businesses should avoid at any cost. These mistakes can ruin all your expectations from AI bot to find offers and deals.