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Stakeholder Feedback

At KV Institute of Management and Information Systems, ensuring the quality and effectiveness of its academic programs is a top priority. To achieve this, the institute has established a robust feedback system that actively collects and considers the perspectives of various stakeholders, including students, employers, alumni, and faculty members. This systematic approach to gathering feedback plays a pivotal role in continuously enhancing the educational experience offered by the institution.
The feedback system is comprehensive and structured, focusing on key aspects such as curriculum design & content, relevance to industry needs, skill development, and consistency to the overall teaching and learning environment. Each stakeholder group has a unique set of questions tailored to their experiences and perspectives.

1. Student Feedback on Curriculum: This section seeks insights from the current students regarding the curriculum and course content, and its alignment with real-world applications. Students are asked to provide their opinions on various aspects, including the relevance of courses to employment and entrepreneurial opportunities and the quality of teaching and assessment methods.
2. Employer Feedback on Curriculum: Employers who hire graduates from the institution are invited to share their insights on the preparedness and skills of the students entering in the workforce.
3. Alumni Feedback on Curriculum: Graduates of the institution have valuable insights into how the education they received has contributed to their career development. The alumni section explores the impact of the curriculum on professional growth, employability, and the relevance of the programs to industry requirements.
4. Faculty Feedback on Curriculum: The faculty members, who are responsible for course delivery, provide their input on the curriculum design, and the mode of assessment and other parameters. Their feedback helps in updating the course content aligning to the current need of the industry/Society.
In addition to these specific questions, all stakeholder groups are encouraged to provide any additional suggestions or comments, allowing for open-ended feedback that can lead to further improvements.
This feedback system demonstrates the institution's commitment in sustenance of a dynamic, and industry-aligned curriculum. The insights gathered from students, employers, alumni, and faculty members serve as a valuable resource for continuous quality improvement and innovation, ensuring that the institution's academic programs remain at the forefront of education and workforce development.

Program Evaluation Score Ranges

In the realm of program evaluation, standardized scoring systems provide valuable insight into the quality and effectiveness of educational programs. The suggested score ranges offer a clear framework for assessing program quality without detailing specific criteria:
1. Excellent (4.5 to 5): Outstanding across the board.
2. Very Good (4 to 4.49): High quality with strong performance.
3. Good (3.5 to 3.99): Above average and generally effective.
4. Satisfactory (3 to 3.49): Meets minimum requirements with room for improvement.
5. Needs Improvement (2 to 2.99): Below expectations, significant enhancements needed.
6. Poor (Below 2): Unsatisfactory, requiring immediate attention.
These score ranges offer an efficient means of evaluating educational programs, enabling institutions and stakeholders to consistently assess quality and make informed improvements to enhance the educational experience for students.


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Curriculam Feedback Analysis and ATR Report