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Best Practices and Institutional Distinctiveness



Though the students have been provided with English as a course for 13+ years in their school and college level, there is a dearth in usage of the language and its inclusivity in all sorts of communication including business communication. The institution offers a carefully articulated syllabi which shall empower the students to improve their vocabulary and lead an Organisation/Department in a commendable fashion.


    To make students confident in speaking in English implacably and with at most enthusiasm.
    Demonstrate the aim of basic and advance business skills
    Develop in Interpersonal communication skills for social and business interactions
    Empower students in developing strategies and making decisions

The Context

The primary aim is to provide students with better knowledge, skills, and attitude towards equipped them as industry ready. There is a strong follow on the administrating the need of skills in this present era. In view of this the initiative with an ideal present of accomplishing the goals of the students by facilitating them with good communication skills, life skills and employability skills through an effective program.

KVIM has conceptualized and implemented a unique development programme to empower the students to enable them with a brighter chance of placements and making them competent in their jobs. The course fasters in their communication, creativity, compassion, critical Thinking, decision Making.

One to One Assessment Program, Students Presentation Mentoring, Business Case Studies and Roleplays. The above said Activities are assessed periodically to ensure the transformation of the Students and make them Industry ready.


    Offering the course based on the validated syllabi and course material.
    Modules developed as per the recommendation of IAAB.
    Periodical and continuous assessments to monitor the progress.

Evidence of Success

    Development in Communication Skills.
    Prepared to Face the Corporate World and continued sustenance.
    Improved in Presentations to handle Business Meets.
    Empowered to develop Strategies and Making Decision for the opted situations.
    The Institute Secure Good Number of Placement’s every year.

Problems Encounter

    Slow transformation owing to the heterogeneity among students.
    Paucity in identifying the right trainers.



The primary aim of the Master’s Programme in Management is to churn out quality man power who can excel in diverse sectors of specialisations. Each sector wants a certain skillset in achieving the targets. The parent university has provided options to choose from a list of specialisation courses prescribed. We at KVIM are affirmative that to adopt and be adopt to the current challenges of the Industry, we need to produce human resource who have acquire the maximum inputs in allied disciplines apart specialisation course to our students with an aim of owning refining their comprehensive and cognitive abilities to secure in ever dynamic and volatile industrial requirements.


    To offer all specialization courses to the choice of the students.
    Facilitate students to get exposed in the specialized area.
    Partner with industry to give more insights on industry practice with reference to the specialized area.


KVIM is an affiliated institution which adheres to the curriculum and syllabus prescribed by Anna University under CBCS pattern. The curriculum offers choice for the functional and sectorial specializations. At KVIM we offer all the specializations prescribed by Anna University to the students; thereby fully realising the potential functionality of the CBCS pattern. Further these specialisations offered in curriculum with industrial inputs which provides a sophisticated outlook to the conventional method of delivery of the specialized courses. Thus this becomes a unique academic signature in the effective implementation and delivery of the content, thereby offering necessary knowledge and skill sets which are mandatory requirements for the successful placement and career path.

The Practice

KVIM has a practice of one to one discussion with the students to assess their potential and also to discuss on the choice of their specialisations. Through this, the institution identifies the students’ choice in selecting the specialisation and providing him with adequate mentoring for choosing a particular specialisation(s) of his interest and choice. For more visible and increased placements and career based on the selected specialisation(s) the institution is making the following efforts

    MoUs with leading Organisations for providing knowledge and skill sets required
    Super Specialisation to bridge the curriculum and industry need.
    Skill Development Programmes

Evidence of success

    By offering all the specialisations the students can choose their interested area of specialisation and enriching his knowledge and skillsets with the assistance provided by the institution. The number of companies in the specializations namely, Marketing, Business analytics and Operations Management has substantial increase over the past two years with about 56% students getting placed in these verticals in the companies.

Problem Encountered & Resources Required

    Since the students are from the rural background some of the students find it difficult to choose the specialisations of their choice which requires special attention. As the assessments are done as per the Parent university norms, the institution has a restricted autonomy in using novel methods of assessment tools.

Institutional Distinctiveness

To ever remain updated on current and contemporary developments in the fast-moving corporate world, the syllabus of each Course must have a provision to keep updating the developments happening in the respective specialisation, which will nurture the skills and the knowledge of both the Students. As an affiliated institution, there is a massive restriction in continuously updating the curriculum. But the outside dynamic market warrants new knowledge and skillsets from the students.  To achieve excellence in their domains of study, we offer Super Specialisations to bridge the gap between syllabi & the ever changing job market demand. The institution collects inputs from the industry through the Industry Academia Advisory Board and based on that the topics in each course are selected and taught.

KVIM's Super Specialization offers a structured and progressive learning journey designed to prepare students for success in their chosen careers by offering the course at three levels viz., Basic, Intermediate and Advanced. This three-tiered approach acts as a bridge between academic learning and real-world industry demands. These enables the students to shine in their placements.

Basic Level

The Basics level lays a solid foundation by providing a comprehensive understanding of essential business concepts and serve as the building blocks for all subsequent specializations. During this period, students acquire a broad understanding of Finance, Marketing, Human Resources, Operations, Logistics, and Business Analytics. This mandatory course sets the groundwork for a well-rounded business education and helps students make informed choices about their future specializations.

Intermediate Level

Intermediate level makes the students explore their chosen specialization in a greater depth.  This targeted learning allows them to develop a deeper understanding of specific areas of business that align with their career goals.

Advanced Level

The Advanced Level in the final semester make the students fully equip themselves with Knowledge, Skill and Attitude in their chosen specialization, making them highly competitive and sought-after candidates in the job market. This level of course is administered by academic tie-ups with organisations like Credai, NIPM, CII, AIMA, etc., to realize the full potential and objective of offering such programs.

Performance Portrayal

By admiration of this structured super specialisation courses coupled with the intensive core domain and specialization courses, the students are equipped with a strong base of foundational knowledge, adequate skills and are made emotionally strong to face the ensuing placement interviews and drives with a greater confidence. This has made the institution secure 100% placements year on year which is essentially unique to our management institution.